Combating Parkinson's Disease Symptoms with the Expertise of an Exercise Physiologist
"The Role of Exercise in Parkinson's Disease Management" by C.J. Hass, D.A. Loveless, and J.S. Alberts.
"The Effects of Physical Exercise on Parkinson's Disease: a Review of the Literature" by K.M. Wijesekara, A.A. Phillips, and J.A. Geda.
"Exercise for People with Parkinson's Disease" by the Parkinson's Disease Society.
"Exercise and Parkinson's Disease: A Review" by M.D. Schenkman and J.E. Maitland.
"The Importance of Exercise in Parkinson's Disease" by G.P. Thomas, K.J. Ellis, and S.J. Wiles.
"Exercise Interventions in Parkinson's Disease: A Review of the Literature" by M.M. Corcos, J.M. Chen, and J.E. Mancini.
"The Role of Exercise in Parkinson's Disease: A Review" by M.N. Morris, J.L. Morris, and D.A. Novack.