Returning to exercise after Covid

It has been a wild start to 2022 with millions of Australians contracting Covid19.

For many, this means New Year resolutions around fitness goals have come to a stand still. 

As we start to recover and look towards getting back into our regular life we know there can be uncertainty around where to start in your return to exercise. 

This program is designed to help you ease back into your normal exercise regime following Covid19. 

However, this is a general guide so if you had severe symptoms, required hospitalisation, or are just not quite sure then please chat to one of our exercise physiologists or Physios before you dive back in and we can help guide you through your recovery. 

This program uses the Rate of Perceived Exertion (see below) to guide how hard you should be working in each phase. If you are finding that you are working harder than recommended then ease off a little and stay in each phase for a bit longer.

Phase 1

Goal: Rest and Recover

Phase one is your first step to recovery. Even if you had very mild symptoms, you have also spent a week indoors with very minimal activity. This means that you need to let your body ease back into exercise again to prevent any complications from Covid-19 and minimize the risk of injury

Examples of types of exercise in this phase: Deep breathing, stretching, gentle walking

Suggested RPE: 0 - 1

When to Progress: It is recommended you stay at this stage for at least 7 days and as long as you need to feel ready to jump back into exercise. 

Phase 2

Goal: Low intensity exercise

When you feel ready, start with 10-15 minutes of low intensity and low impact exercise per day,  build it up by adding in another 10 minutes each day as you can tolerate. 

Examples of types of exercise in this phase: walking, yoga, light domestic tasks

Suggested RPE: 0-2

When to Progress: Once you can do 30 minutes of light intensity and your breathing feels comfortable then you can move on to phase 3. 

Phase 3

Goal: Moderate intensity aerobic and strength

It is recommended that you begin with intervals and allow your body to rest between each set. Start with 2x 5 minute intervals with a rest in the middle. Progress this by adding in an extra 5 minute set each day as you can tolerate. 

Examples of types of exercise in this phase: pilates, bodyweight or light weight strength training, walking

Suggested RPE: 3-6, you should feel a little puffed but still able to hold a conversation.

When to Progress: Stay in this phase for at least 7 days. Once you can do 30 minutes of moderate intensity and feel completely recovered within an hour then you are ready for phase 4!

Phase: 4

Goal: Moderate intensity aerobic and strength training with coordination and functional skills.

From here you can start to do a bit more. Aim to do 2 days on followed by 1 rest day. In this phase, you can start to challenge yourself more. 

Examples of types of exercise in this phase: Light interval jogging, light HIIT training, increase weight in strength training. 

Suggested RPE: 3-6 

When to Progress: Stick with phase 4 for 7 days. After this, if your fatigue levels are normal and you are feeling good then move onto phase 5. 

Phase 5

Goal:  Return to your baseline exercise

By phase 5 you should be back to your pre covid training regime. 

Examples of types of exercise in this phase: Running, surfing, gym, whatever you love to do!

Suggested RPE: 7>

As a final note, remember that everyone will have a different experience with Covid19 and therefore every individual’s recovery will look different. The most important thing is your health and recovery so try not to feel disheartened if you are not able to progress as quickly as you hoped. The overarching message here is to listen to your body and give it what it needs as you recover, this may be extra rest days or more gentle sessions and that is absolutely ok. 

If you have any questions or need any help please reach out to us here at Rebound.
We are ready to help!  :)


Salman, D., Vishnubala, D., Le Feuvre, P., Beaney, T., Korgaonkar, J., Majeed, A., McGregor, A. (2021). Returning to physical activity after covid-19.BMJ 2021;372:m4721. Retrieved from Returning to physical activity after covid-19 | The BMJ

Katie Salcole