NDIS Dietitian Services

I am an NDIS participant - how can a dietitian help? 

At Rebound Health our dietitians are university qualified and accredited to work with NDIS participants to support them toward their health and wellbeing goals. We work with individuals with a range of health conditions and unique nutrition needs, whether this be mental health conditions, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities or neurological conditions. 

Research shows that eating a healthy and balanced diet has a range of health benefits, including: 

- Maintaining a healthy weight 

- Reduced risk of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, digestive conditions and some cancers. 

- Providing essential nutrients needed by the body for healthy muscles, bones, nervous system, brain health and immune function. 

- Providing essential nutrients for healthy growth and development 

- Maintaining a healthy weight

One on one cooking sessions

Our dietitians can conduct home visits and provide one on one cooking sessions to help participants build practical skills and understanding on how to prepare, cook and balance their meals.

We help to empower individuals to live independently and support their individual nutrient needs and health goals.

Depending on your plan, available funding and specific needs we can provide ongoing support to participants on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. 

Grocery Shopping

Our dietitians can provide guidance on navigating the supermarket to select healthy food products suitable for individuals specific needs and health goals.
Whether this be attending the supermarket with participants, or formulating grocery lists during our home visits or consults in clinic.

We can also educate participants, carers and family members on practical skills such as reading food labels and choosing products for specific health needs such as low sodium, low fat, high fibre, or low GI.

Depending on your NDIS plan, available funding and specific needs we can provide ongoing support to participants on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Tailored meal planning, education and support

Our dietitians conduct comprehensive nutrition assessments and provide tailored advice, education, support and assistance with meal planning to suit the specific needs and health goals of participants. Some examples of how our dietitians may be able to help: 

  • Creating a diet plan to assist with weight gain or weight loss 

  • Practical implementation of a texture modified diet

  • Eating for heart health and healthy blood sugars 

  • Healthy food choices for managing diabetes, high cholesterol

  • Eating to improve mood and energy levels 

  • Meal planning and suggestions on healthy convenience options

  • Selecting appropriate meals and delivery services

  • Managing food allergies, food intolerances and digestive symptoms

Why Rebound?

Rebound Health Allied Health Practitioners are registered to provide services under the NDIS. We take a multidisciplinary approach to health and work closely with our team of exercise physiologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists to help participants toward their health goals. The best part is that you can access all services under the same clinic roof, or we can travel to visit you in your own home.


  • You can claim dietetics services from ‘improved daily living,’ health and wellbeing’ or ‘core’ budgets. It is best to have an idea around how much funding you have available for dietitian services prior to your first consultation so that our Dietitians can develop a plan of ongoing services to best help you achieve your goals.

  • Yes, our practitioners will discuss a plan with you in our first session and put together a service agreement for you following our first session. This will be based on your allocated funding, your specific goals and services required.

  • After you book your appointment we will send through an email with new client forms and home visit questionnaires. Please have these completed prior to your sessions so we have your NDIS plan details and support coordinator details.

    Please bring along any recent blood tests, health and medical reports, medication lists, food diaries if you have this information to assist our comprehensive health and dietary assessment.

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