Menu Reviews
Our menu services use current best practice standards and expert knowledge of our practitioners regarding the nutritional requirements of individuals and populations. We work closely with your organisations chefs, food service systems, support staff and consumers to understand your organisations needs and provide menus that optimise the nutrition status of consumers. Our Rebound Dietitians conduct menu reviews to ensure meals and menus meet the nutrition needs, dietary requirements and food preferences of a variety of individuals and groups. We can work with various organisations including:
Aged Care Facilities
Retirement Villages
Group homes/ assisted living facilities
Childcare Centres
School Canteens
Boarding schools
Workplace facilities with food service
We partner with a range of organisations:
Childcare Centres
Childcare centres play a vital role in developing healthy eating behaviours for young children, many of which persist throughout life. Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, ‘if a service provides food and drinks, the food and drinks must be nutritious and adequate in quantity, and take into account dietary requirements appropriate to each child’s growth and development needs, and any specific cultural, religious or health requirements.’ Policies and procedures about nutrition, food and beverages, and dietary requirements must be in place throughout early childhood education and care services.
Our dietitians provide services to assist Child Care centres in meeting these regulations, these include:
Menu and recipe development
Menu and recipe assessment or review
Development or review of nutrition policies
NDIS Group Homes
We understand many group homes have a diverse range of individuals with varying nutritional needs, chronic conditions, dietary requirements, food preferences and cultural backgrounds. We understand this can make meal planning difficult for support staff.
Our Dietitians can provide consultation to supported living facilities to ensure menus are well balanced and planned to meet the unique nutritional needs of your residents. We will consult with both staff and residents to provide services, including:
Dietitian Designed Menu Plan
Our Accredited Practising Dietitians will provide you with a nutritionally balanced menu plan (2, 4 or 6 week cycles) suited to the needs and preferences of residents living within a group home. Our dietitians will consult with residents and support staff within your assisted living facility and work with you to tailor a menu plan that encompasses the cultural needs, dietary requirements, food preferences, eating patterns, cooking skills, health status and nutritional requirements of each individual resident.
We can design a menu suited to specific health, nutritional and medical needs, for example diabetes, coeliac disease, heart disease, malnutrition, obesity, specific allergies, food intolerances, vegetarian/vegan diets and texture modifications. Having a dietitian designed menu plan can ensure variety and flexibility for residents and staff whilst optimising the nutrition status, health and safety of consumers.
Recipe design & modification
Our dietitians can provide specific individualised advice on adapting current menus and recipes to the varying health needs and goals of each resident. We can develop or modify recipes to suit the nutrition needs and dietary requirements of each resident. For example, tailoring recipes to suit individuals with food allergies or intolerances.
Nutrition education and training for support staff
Our dietitians can provide education and training to support staff regarding healthy food choices, menu planning, meal preparation, cooking methods, label reading and grocery shopping. As well as managing nutrition related health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, food intolerances, coeliac disease, gastrointestinal conditions, malnutrition and dysphagia. This will ensure as a service you are optimising the health and safety of consumers whilst providing and promoting healthy options to enable participants to achieve their maximum physical potential and maintain independence.
Aged Care Facilities
Diet, nutrition and hydration are critical to the health of older populations and food plays an important role in enhancing the quality of life of individuals in residential care. Our Accredited Practising Dietitians can provide a range of services to assist Aged Care Facilities to achieve excellence in quality of care and meet Government Accreditation standards through their food service provision.
We will work with chefs, food service managers, facility managers, care staff and residents to ensure menus and food service provision meet the nutritional needs, dietary requirements, texture modification standards, therapeutic dietary requirements, cultural values and food preferences of residents.
Services we provide:
Whole food service menu development
Comprehensive menu reviews & reports
Practical recommendations for service delivery
Staff education & training
Why Rebound?
Accredited Practising Dietitians are the experts in medical nutrition therapy and understanding nutritional requirements of various individuals and population groups. Having your menus developed or reviewed by our practitioners will give you the peace of mind that your organisation's menus will meet current best practice standards and optimise the health and nutrition status of your consumers.
The cost of this service will vary based on the time required for the menu development or review process and funding schemes available to your organisation/ residents. Get in touch with our administration team to discuss your facilities needs and obtain a quote.
(02) 9907 6023 -
Yes, if participants of NDIS supported independent living accommodation facilities have funding in their NDIS budget this can be utilised for menu development services. Dietitian services can be drawn from ‘improved daily living,’ health and wellbeing’ or ‘core’ budgets.
We do not need to complete a whole menu overhaul, if you have an existing menu in place we can review this to ensure it meets current best practice standards and provide simple and practical recommendations on changes required to best suit the nutritional needs of consumers. We take into account your food service system and work with you to achieve best outcomes for consumers.
Get in contact with our administrative team if you would like to enquire regarding our menu review services at (02) 9907 6023 or email